Automotive and Machinery Industry
Lublin is a city which boasts a long tradition of automotive and machinery sectors going back to the interwar period. It is an important place on the map of production centers for passenger cars parts, lorries, tractors, coaches and aviation equipment.
The tradition of the Truck Factory, Peugeot and Daewoo Factory is currently continued by several dozen small and medium-sized companies that use the resources and many years of experience of the Lublin industry. A significant group are sub-suppliers producing vehicle components manufactured on the assembly lines of large automotive concerns. Another group consists of companies creating innovative technological solutions that are part of a wider production process aimed directly at the end customer.
An important part of the Lublin industry of advanced engineering technologies are R&D centers specializing in designing innovative technological solutions for the needs of particular clients The scope of their activities includes construction design, process modelling and safeguarding technical documentation pertaining to production. These companies represent the following industries: aviation, automotive, and the machine sector, as well providing elements for the space sector.

ABM Greiffenberger Poland – a leader among suppliers of industrial electric motors
After only three years of operation in Lublin, it turned out that the Lublin ABM Greiffenberger plant has the potential to be the driving force of the entire international Senata group.
ABM Greiffenberger is a Bavarian company with traditions dating back to 1927. It belongs to the Senata group, operating internationally in the electromechanical sector. It has been present in Lublin since 2013, producing electric drives and gears for industrial applications. The very rapid development of the company in comfortable Lublin conditions meant that already in 2016 the implementation of another investment, the aim of which will be to start the activity of the Research and Development Center and to double the employment. Thanks to the dynamic growth and high-quality production, the Lublin plant has become the driving force of the entire holding.
When in 2012 ABM was looking for a location for a new production plant, its choice fell on Lublin. The city provided an optimal place for industrial activity, which was the Special Economic Zone, access to qualified personnel and a work culture similar to the native German. However, the key factor that convinced the management board to Lublin was the very strong commitment of the city authorities and offering comprehensive assistance during the entire investment process. The company wants to be firmly rooted in the Lublin environment, therefore partnership cooperation with the local government was and is very important.
Lublin offers ideal conditions for the development of companies in the electromechanical industry thanks to the still unexploited labor market, attractive investment areas and research and development opportunities provided by the Lublin University of Technology. In addition, the Polish Electromobility Center will be located in Lublin, which will further strengthen the development of the sector. With the additional support offered by the Lublin Municipal Office to enterprises already located in the city, further development of ABM and the entire industry in Lublin is inevitable.
Robert Bronisz
Head of Plant
ABM Greiffenberger Poland

NOYEN – Lublin-based manufacturer of internationally recognized industrial machinery
NOYEN (former GT85 Polska) over the course of several years has transformed from a micro-enterprise to a trusted supplier of comprehensive and innovative machine solutions for international leaders in various sectors of industry.
Our company has been connected with Lublin since the very beginning. We specialize in industrial cleaning machines. Our clients are the largest domestic and international enterprises operating in the aviation, automotive, machinery, mining and other industries. Having decided to invest in a new production hall, we considered various locations in Poland. However, we decided to remain in Lublin with the major argument supporting this decision having exceptional support of the Investor Strategy and Service Department in the process of locating investments in the Special Economic Zone. The partnership cooperation with the city was, and still is, one of the main catalysts of growth of NOYEN.
Lublin offers a favorable environment for the development of the advanced engineering industry, as it has still unexploited facilities of qualified engineering staff. We have been capable of building our team based on locally available employees. We also provide opportunities for development to young and talented university graduates. Lublin is also a very good location for holding business meetings. The proximity of the atmospheric and vibrant Old Town makes our customers very eager to visit us in Lublin, where it is always pleasant to spend time. Undoubtedly, this has a positive effect on the atmosphere and outcome of business negotiations.
Being of local origin, I have been observing the dynamic changes taking place in the city for years. Lublin has already reached the level that guarantees the development of the companies located here, and their employees a high quality of life. Despite this, efforts are still being made to improve this situation. I am pleased with the expansion prospects of the Lublin Airport and the expressway to Rzeszów, which will soon connect the city with our business partners in the south of Poland.
Zbigniew Kurant
Chairman of the Board
Turck Group, the German leader in industrial automation
Turck Group has chosen Lublin as the location for its first production site in Central and Eastern Europe.
Turck is a global capital group which currently operates 7 facilities around the world. Much of its business is conducted in Europe and the United States of America. Globally, it currently employs around 5,000 people.
The company primarily deals with the production of industrial automation components. We offer our customers such solutions as sensors, I/O network systems, connectivity products, HMI interfaces and RFID systems. Our specialization is connectivity and control of automation components. On the one hand we are technology providers and on the other hand we are technology users. We run manufacturing plants that must meet all modern standards and ensure competitive efficiency. All of this makes Industry 4.0 an extremely important topic for us.
Our production is High Mix – Low Volume: we produce a lot of models in relatively short and small series. This type of production does not allow for a high level of automation, so our implementation of Industry 4.0 is focused primarily on information systems and management of information flow in the production process. What distinguishes us is a very high flexibility and the ability to quickly respond to the needs reported by customers.
The characteristic of doing business in the industrial sector has changed a lot over the years. Many people expect personalized products, which require manufacturers to be very flexible. Organising a process where delivery times are increasingly counted in days rather than weeks is demanding. If the company is to become successful, we need people who have a passion for such solutions, are interested in process optimization, etc. In Lublin we have managed to create a team of well-educated employees with industry knowledge. As a representative of the company, I am convinced of our development potential. I know that Lublin will be a great reinforcement for the Turck brand.
Przemysław Brzeziewski
Head of Plant