Lublin Economic Highlands
The potential that exists in Lublin allows to design a clear and promising strategy of economic development. Industrial traditions, human resources educated by thriving university centres and the involvement of local government and business-related institutions of the city have become the driving force for the creation of the Lublin Economic Highlands.
By definition, the Lublin Economic Highlands are to be an ecosystem friendly to the development of individual industries, which present the greatest potential to acclimatise and flourish in the region. The name of the concept refers to the geographical location of the Lublin region, although its metaphorical overtones cannot be overlooked.
The strategy of Lublin Economic Highlands assumes cooperation based on the principle of a quadruple helix. The parties are academic centres, public authorities, business environment and non-governmental organisations. The exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience with the research, development and innovation potential of the region and building civic attitudes are to lead to local economic development and increase the competitiveness of the city’s economic entities.
The concept identifies five ecosystems that have the greatest potential for development in the region.
The first ecosystem to be developed in Lublin was the Lublin IT Highland, which quickly achieved its goals and became recognisable throughout Poland. Thus, today it sets an example for the other five Highland. By establishing cooperation between Lublin’s universities, entrepreneurs and business environment institutions, as well as with the involvement of potential beneficiaries, it was possible to create a thriving ecosystem that has significantly contributed to the economic development of Lublin and reducing the unemployment rate. This has influenced the quality of education provided by Lublin’s universities, the adaptation of study programmes to the needs of local employers, and a turn towards research and analysis.
The Lublin IT Highland has a strong impact on other sectors of Lublin’s economy. It cooperates with the Lublin Automotive and Machine Highland and the Lublin Aviation Highland, among others.
As a provincial city, Lublin has the largest number of specialist doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives and pharmacists in the region. However, society is becoming more and more demanding – a growing number of elderly people expect specialised care, and young people are more and more willing to turn to aesthetic medicine and wellness. All this creates a demand for well-equipped health centres and a search for new, efficient medical technologies.
Lublin Medical Highland operates within the Lublin Medicine – Medical & Wellness Cluster, which is a platform of cooperation in the field of practice and medical sciences between research institutes, universities, entrepreneurs, medical entities, business environment institutions and local government units. The Lublin Medical Highland is closely connected with the Lublin Biotechnological Highland through the scope of research and technologies used.
Biotechnology and life science are important pillars of the economy, mainly due to their invaluable impact on society’s health and quality of life. The development of biotechnology is rooted in research, analysis and other methods of achieving innovative, optimal solutions. Lublin, a city with academic traditions, has such resources, with more than one hundred laboratories and specialist workshops. The achievements of Lublin’s scientists, as well as the involvement of the scientific community in further projects, are constantly commercialised for the needs of local businesses, of which there were already over three hundred in 2018.
Lublin Biotechnological Highland is built around the Lublin Biotechnology Cluster, which aims to create a network of links between scientific and research centres and individual scientists and entrepreneurs, potential investors and partners.
The tradition of the automotive and machine-building industry in the Lublin region dates back to the 1950s and the establishment of the Truck Factory. Today, the automotive and machine-building industry continues to be one of the fastest-growing branches of the regional economy. It is also a branch of industry that constantly creates new jobs and offers attractive employment conditions, including salary levels. The advantage of the Lublin region is its proximity to Eastern European markets, the proximity of a regional airport, qualified technical staff, as well as the scientific and research potential embodied in technical universities, technology parks and technology transfer centres.
Lublin Automotive and Machine Highland is created by the Automotive and Machine Upland Cluster. The mission of the ecosystem is to build lasting relations between scientific units, enterprises operating in the field of automotive and mechanical engineering, local government bodies and business support institutions. As a result, the Lublin electro-machinery industry is to become a strong competitor on the domestic and international market.
For decades, the Lublin region has been invariably linked with the aviation industry. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was proud of the activity of Mechanical Plage and Laskiewicz, and today it is home to PZL-Świdnik, a helicopter manufacturer managed by Leonardo Helicopters. However, Lublin’s aviation sector is not only production, but also transport and logistics. Opened in 2012, Lublin Airport handles passenger traffic and is also a cargo handling and forwarding point. In the close vicinity of the airport, there are logistics centres of numerous enterprises basing their activities on the import and export of goods.
The Lublin Aviation Highland operates in the Lublin Cluster of Advanced Aviation Technologies, which in turn is closely related to PZL-Świdnik. It is based on four pillars: developing cooperation between suppliers and cooperators, aviation training in aeroclubs and pilot training institutions, conducting research and development work by universities and scientific institutions for the benefit of enterprises, as well as developing the cargo function.
Clusters in Lublin
General Information About the Cluster:
- Cluster Coordinator: Software Camp sp. z o.o.
- Year of Establishment: 2024
- Number of Members in the Cluster: 15
- Number of Enterprises in the Cluster: 14
- Number of Business Environment Institutions: 1
Cluster Characteristics
LubTechBridge is an ecosystem comprising two clusters – LubTechBridge GOZ and LubTechBridge 4.0. Their shared mission is to support enterprises in their transition towards sustainable development and the adoption of advanced technologies. The ecosystem brings together entrepreneurs from various industries, experts, practitioners, and representatives of the business environment to provide comprehensive support in building a competitive edge through innovation.
LubTechBridge GOZ
This cluster segment focuses on promoting and implementing the principles of the circular economy (GOZ). Its primary goal is to assist businesses in adopting business models that emphasize sustainable resource management, waste minimization, and maximizing the reuse of materials and resources.
Key activities of LubTechBridge GOZ include:
- Organizing training sessions, webinars, and workshops on GOZ principles,
- Providing advisory support in creating transformation strategies,
- Building cross-sector partnerships and collaborating with experts,
- Identifying and assisting in securing financing for GOZ-related projects,
- Monitoring trends and best practices in sustainable development.
LubTechBridge 4.0
This cluster segment is dedicated to helping enterprises adapt to Industry 4.0 standards. It promotes the adoption of advanced technologies that enable automation, digitization, and intelligent management of production and business processes. The goal is to enhance companies’ efficiency, flexibility, and innovation.
Key activities of LubTechBridge 4.0 include:
- Supporting the implementation of technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, and automation,
- Organizing training sessions and workshops on digital transformation,
- Initiating cross-sector collaboration and knowledge exchange,
- Assisting in applying for funding for Industry 4.0-related projects,
- Continuously monitoring technological trends and case studies of successful implementations.
Cluster Goals
- Support in obtaining ecological certifications,
- Enhancing the company’s image to boost prestige and public trust,
- Assistance in securing funding for transformation initiatives.
Cluster Achieves Its Goals Particularly Through:
- Free Training Programs – Offering courses on transitioning to GOZ and Industry 4.0, sharing knowledge, best practices, and identifying areas for improvement.
- Professional Consulting – Providing access to experts who advise on designing and implementing new technologies, optimizing processes, and managing resources.
- Support in Securing Transformation Financing – Comprehensive assistance in identifying potential sources of co-financing for GOZ and Industry 4.0 transformations, including EU and national grants. Assistance includes preparing documentation such as audits, applications, business plans, and economic analyses.
Flagship Projects of the Cluster
Software Camp is implementing a project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the European Funds for Lubelskie 2021–2027 program. The project aims to create the Regional Innovation Ecosystem “LubTech Bridge”, contributing to the specific objective of “Developing skills in intelligent specializations, industrial transformation, and entrepreneurship.” The project focuses on providing services to SMEs in the Lublin region to support skill development and the creation of comprehensive services for technological transformation towards Industry 4.0 and GOZ.
ESTA Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Cluster Coordinator: ESTA Cluster
Year of establishment: 2024
Number of members in the cluster: 30
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 30
Number of business environment institutions: 0
Number of universities: 0
Cluster characteristics:
ESTA Cluster is a closed group of entrepreneurs that brings together companies in the IT area. At ESTA we share our knowledge, experience and quality business contacts. We believe in long-term and sincere relationships, which, in our opinion, are a guarantee for the development of a mature entrepreneur.
Cluster goals
The purpose of the association is to initiate, support and assist in educational and business ventures, especially for the benefit of entrepreneurs, operating in the field of information technology.
Cluster achieves its goals particularly through:
- Promoting the activities of its members,
- Building the collective prestige and strength of the association,
- initiating and carrying out activities that enable members to establish new business relationships and attract new customers at home and abroad,
- promoting, increasing the activity and competitiveness of the association’s members,
- implementation of events and activities aimed at building long-term business relationships among association members,
- conducting educational activities
Cluster of Hotels and Restaurants
General information about the cluster:
Name: Cluster of Hotels and Restaurants
Coordinator: Restaurateurs and Hoteliers Cluster Association
Number of members in the cluster: 63
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 47
Year of establishment: 2006
Cluster characteristics:
The cluster integrates the community of hotels and restaurants in the Lublin Region, promoting regional cuisine, organizing culinary competitions and training courses. We dealt with training in the field of HACAP by issuing a manual that helps to understand the issues and work in accordance with HACAP principles. Regional cuisine and English courses were organized for members and their employees.
Contact: website
Eastern ICT Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Name: Eastern ICT Cluster
Coordinator: Eastern Development Agency sp. z o.o.
Number of members in the cluster: 174
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 158
Year of establishment: 2007
Cluster characteristics:
Eastern ICT Cluster brings together companies from the SME sector, institutes of higher education and business support institutions, which thanks to membership in the agreement can implement innovative projects regarding IT and telecommunications technologies and Smart Grid.
Eastern ICT Cluster actively participates in international events promoting information and communication technologies (ICT) sector – i.e. CeBIT (Germany), NASSCOM (India), IT&BPO Days (USA), it also engages in creating innovative undertakings at the junction of culture and IT/ ICT technologies.
Lublin Wood Association Regional Cluster in Lublin
General information about the cluster:
Name: Lublin Wood Association Regional Cluster in Lublin
Coordinator: Association “Lubelskie Drewno – Regional Cluster in Lublin”.
Number of members in the cluster: 70
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 70
Year of establishment: 2007
Cluster characteristics:
The Lublin Wood Association – Regional Cluster in Lublin is a non-governmental organization established in 2007 as part of the 2.6 IROP Innovative Craft Cooperation Network project in order to use the foundations of cooperation between enterprises, help entrepreneurs and their mutual cooperation, and increase the attractiveness of the region. The Lublin Wood Cluster associates enterprises and institutions related to the construction of wooden houses. We also cooperate with research centers, universities – Lublin University of Technology, city authorities – Marshal’s Office in Lublin, and we also implement European projects under the European Social Fund – Promotion of Employment and Professional Activation of the Unemployed and Threatened with Dismissal.
Training, improving qualifications of people as well as their retraining. Recently, we have established cooperation with the National Cluster of Innovative Enterprises. In July 2013, the National Cluster of Innovative Enterprises concluded a cooperation agreement with the Lublin Wood Cluster, aimed at developing innovation in companies from the Lublin region. At the same time, we were participants of the 1st Congress of Polish Clusters in the Polish Parliament, wanting to mark our presence and draw attention to the needs of our region in the field of cheap technologies and innovative eco solutions in the wood and construction industry as well as in the field of obtaining cheap energy. We take an active part in numerous meetings and congresses of Cluster Management Boards throughout the country.
Contact: website
Lublin ICT Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Name: Lublin ICT Cluster
Coordinator: Association “Lubelski Klaster Teleinformatyczny
Number of members in the cluster: 77
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 77
Year of establishment: 2008
Cluster characteristics:
The idea behind the establishment of the Lublin ICT Cluster is to disseminate information on the regional, national and foreign market about solutions that meet the highest technical standards and are characterized by a high degree of innovation. The main task is to associate enterprises operating in the industry and related institutions in order to support innovation, promote companies and institutions, offices, products, services and investment in human resources.
Lublin Enterprise Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Name: Lublin Enterprise Cluster
Coordinator: Przedsiębiorstwo Techniczno-Budowlane SEBRUK Seweryn Szast
Number of members in the cluster: 15
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 13
Year of establishment: 2008
Cluster characteristics:
The Lublin Cluster of Enterprises was established in 2008. Each of the founding companies brought capital to the Cluster in the form of knowledge, business contacts, contracts with contractors and enthusiasm for the joint implementation of the goal of “Building a strong brand using the synergy effect of the cluster”.
Goals of the Lublin Cluster of Enterprises:
- creating a platform for the exchange of information, communication and cooperation between Cluster participants along with a set of online business tools
- development of the Cluster cooperation with companies, universities, institutions, offices, government organizations from the Lublin region
- joint provision of services outside the Cluster
- mutual provision of services within the Cluster
- facilitating knowledge transfer within the Cluster
- implementation of joint business, education, training and research projects in order to reduce costs
- joint implementation of projects and investments that a single entity belonging to the Cluster would not be able to implement independently
- promotion of brands and products of Cluster Members
- obtaining external financing sources (e.g. subsidies from the European Union)
- acquiring clients
- promotion of the idea of the Cluster
- optimization of operating costs and reduction of Outsourcing costs
- popularization of modern techniques and technologies inside the Cluster
- increasing the innovativeness of the Cluster Members by introducing innovative products and services
- gaining a competitive advantage in the local and national economy.
Eastern Metal Processing Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Name: Eastern Metal Processing Cluster
Coordinator: Voivodeship Club of Technology and Rationalization
Number of members in the cluster: 99
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 92
Year of establishment: 2009
Cluster characteristics:
Eastern Metal Processing Cluster is a cooperation of 99 entities from the metal industry operating in the following Voivodeships/Regions: Lublin, Świętokrzyskie and Subcarpathian.
Cluster companies gain:
- tightening contacts with other companies in the region (integration of the environment, exchange of information, building a network of proven subcontractors),
- joint participation in industry events (trips to fairs, foreign economic missions, meetings with entities interested in cooperation),
- easier access to research units (study visits, knowledge transfer).
The main goals of the cluster are:
- increasing the competitiveness of the region’s economy through joint activities of the Cluster members,
- increasing the competitiveness and innovation of enterprises in the metal processing industry,
- creating economic links between enterprises and between enterprises and the research and development sphere,
- obtaining a synergy effect.
Services offered by companies belonging to the cluster include:
- sheet metal cutting and bending,
- steel hardening,
- welding,
- machining,
- burning sheet metal,
- milling, grinding,
- ironwork,
- the heat treatment,
- anti-corrosion protection,
- quality tests,
- services of food and chemical industry machines,
- assembly, repair, modernization of technological lines and cranes,
- regeneration of engine blocks,
- plastic processing.
The offered products include:
- locks, padlocks, door accessories,
- pavilions, fences,
- heat exchangers,
- steel tanks,
- technological instrumentation,
- handles, kiosks, housings,
- steel structures,
- design and construction of halls,
- steel products,
- complete lines for food processing,
- railings, balustrades, handrails,
- small metal parts, incl. for mining,
- specialized screws,
- containers and containers,
- wire production and cutting,
- diamond and sintered tools,
- central heating boilers and furnaces.
All metal processing companies located in Eastern Poland (Lublin, Subcarpathian, Świętokrzyskie, Podlaskie, Warmian-Masurian Region) can become members of the Eastern Metal Processing Cluster. The condition of joining is to obtain at least 40% of revenue from the sale of services in the field of metal processing or from the sale of own production produced using metal processes.
Cluster coordinator:
The coordinator of the Eastern Metal Processing Cluster is the Provincial Club of Technology and Rationalization (WKTiR), established in 1962 in Lublin. It also runs the Regional Patent Information Center. WKTiR is an association working to rise the competitiveness of the Lublin region’s economy in the area of competences of enterprise staff and the use of available tools of technical progress. It provides training and consulting services for companies and individuals.
Contact: website
Lublin Eco-Energy Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Name: Lublin Eco-Energy Cluster
Coordinator: Foundation for Lubelskie Development
Number of members in the cluster: 43
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 34
Year of establishment: 2011
Cluster characteristics:
Entities dealing with energy (solar, wind, water and geothermal) as well as the production and use of biomass for energy purposes cooperate within the Lublin Eco-Energy Cluster. The Cluster’s Partners include: manufacturers of machinery and equipment for the renewable energy sector, designers and contractors of renewable energy installations, entities dealing with industrial waste management, higher education and research, as well as energy efficiency and passive construction.
The Coordinator of the Cluster is the Foundation for the Development of the Lublin Region.
The mission of the Lublin Eco-Energy Cluster is to support all activities related to the sustainable use of renewable energy sources based on the potential of the Lublin Region by developing and implementing technological, production and process innovations, popularizing renewable energy sources in the region and improving energy efficiency and developing passive construction.
The main strategic goals implemented by the Cluster include:
- increasing the share of energy produced with the use of renewable energy sources in the total energy balance of the Lublin Region, especially by small distributed energy;
- undertaking activities aimed at ensuring the energy security of the Lublin region communes based on local energy resources, especially renewable energy sources;
- supporting the development and promotion of local solutions aimed at increasing the share of electricity and heat production with the use of renewable energy sources;
- stimulating the development of new technologies and the development of analytical and research facilities in the region for the needs of the development of the renewable energy industry and passive construction;
- supporting the personnel training system for the renewable energy and passive construction industry.
Contact: website
General information about the cluster:
Coordinator: Netrix Group sp. z o.o.
Number of members in the cluster: 26
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 25
Year of establishment: 2011
Cluster characteristics: was established on January 14, 2011 as a result of a partnership agreement between the companies Netrix Group sp.z o.o., BASoft sp.z o.o. and ICT Solutions Cezary Sieńczyk. is an initiative of entities that strive to implement a common mission and achieve common goals. The cluster integrates micro, small and medium-sized enterprises operating on the IT and ICT market, or providing services to entities from this sector. Mission Strengthening the innovative potential and dynamics of enterprises in the information and teleinformation industry thanks to mutual cooperation and fast and effective transfer of knowledge and technology through cooperation and cooperation with research and scientific units. The vision of is the high competitiveness of the regional business and scientific-research communities as well as the developed infrastructure of the innovation system in the ICT sector, which will attract domestic and foreign companies, investments and leading specialists in the ICT industry.
Objectives of
- Raising the level of competitiveness and creating value based on the processes of innovation and internationalization of the Region’s enterprises and R&D institutions;
- Creating and consolidating a good brand of the Cluster increasing the credibility and prestige of its members and the attractiveness of the Region;
- Development of human resources and competences through mutual enrichment and diversification of the Cluster Members;
- Increasing specialist knowledge based on R&D activities important for the Cluster by strengthening and concentrating the R&D facilities in the Region as well as national and international contacts;
- Promoting the development of creative, innovative environments characterized by intensive cooperation and dynamic development from the Region;
- Increasing international involvement in the form of expanding operations to international markets, establishing cooperation with foreign institutions. achieves its goals in particular through:
- Development of R&D activities in the field of ICT;
- Advising cluster members in the field of ICT;
- Implementation of new technologies in the field of ICT;
- Promotion of technologies in the field of ICT by cluster members;
- Organization specialized trainings for cluster members;
- Participation in fairs and conferences;
- Creation joint projects of cluster members;
- Acquiring financing for new projects for cluster members;
- Building its own ICT infrastructure.
The Cluster Coordinator is Netrix Group sp. z o. o., which is the Business Environment Institution (BEI) registered in the National System of Services for Small and Medium Enterprises (KSU) run by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP). Currently, Netrix Group Sp. z o. o. is implementing two PARP projects. The first one is KSU Consulting for Innovators, Measure 5.2 Operational Program Innovative Economy 2007-2013. The aim of the project is to provide pro-innovative advisory services (Innovation Audit, Consulting in the implementation of innovation) for enterprises from the following Regions: Lublin, Subcarpathian, and Świętokrzyskie. The second project is “Provision of KSU system services in the field of quick optimization of enterprise finance management for micro and small entrepreneurs” implemented under the Human Capital Operational Program – Measure 2.2.1. Additionally, Netrix Group sp. z o. o. concluded an agreement with the Higher School of Management and Administration in Zamość on cooperation as part of the project Academic Cluster of Engineering Knowledge.
BEI offers consulting services aimed at improving the efficiency of enterprises’ functioning and their stable development, optimization of business processes and analysis of investment projects according to the UNIDO methodology. It supports entrepreneurs in solving current management problems at the strategic, operational and IT level.
Contact: website
Photonics and Optical Fiber Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Name: Photonics and Optical Fiber Cluster
Coordinator: Polish Center of Photonics and Optical Fiber
Number of members in the cluster: 29
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 25
Year of establishment: 2012
Cluster characteristics:
At the end of the 1970s, the foundations of Polish optical fiber technology were created by the research team of the Laboratory of Optical Fiber Technology of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. Since then, our country has been conducting advanced research in the field of photonics, which has recently been recognized by the European Commission as one of the five key technologies for Europe’s development strategy. Appropriate activities, development, subsidies and investments in photonics may determine the competitiveness of the Polish economy in the world, which would be based on innovative technology and unique knowledge.
The organization working for photonics in Poland is the Photonics and Optical Fiber Cluster. It is an open cooperation initiative bringing together enterprises, scientific and research units and business environment institutions operating in the field of photonics, including in the field of optical fiber technology. The main goal of the Cluster’s activity is to create favorable conditions for the development of companies in the photonic industry and companies using fiber optic technology, increase their competitiveness by providing knowledge, exchanging good practices, supporting innovation and stimulating cooperation between companies and institutions.
The Photonics and Optical Fiber Cluster is the ambassador of activities for the development and promotion of the Polish photonic sector, which has a high potential to become a showcase of the Polish advanced technology industry. Cluster representatives actively participate in national and international trade fairs and conferences, monitor the needs of the industry and make forecasts for the market and the industry in order to properly modify development directions and improve products in accordance with global trends. The key activity of the Cluster is the extensive process of creating contacts between representatives of various companies and between companies, research units and business environment institutions. Willingness to cooperate on various levels is based on mutual trust, which allows for synergistic use of the competences of individual members of the Cluster, reaping benefits resulting from access to a common skill base, training offer or marketing activities also directed at foreign markets.
The founder and coordinator of the Cluster is the Polish Center for Photonics and Fiber Optics. The center performs a representative function outside the Cluster, including by establishing contacts with business and scientific partners, acquiring new entities involved in research and development activities and cooperation for the development of photonics in Poland. The center is involved and is active in the field of obtaining funds for research projects, primarily in the field of photonics, optics, optoelectronics and areas affecting the development of optical fiber technology, including physics, chemistry, materials engineering, telecommunications and many others.
Innovation and Fashion Design Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Name: Innovation and Fashion Design Cluster
Coordinator: Innovation and Fashion Design Cluster Ltd.
Number of members in the cluster: 53
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 24
Year of establishment: 2013
Cluster characteristics:
The Cluster coordinator is the Innovation and Fashion Design Cluster Association. The cluster was established on the initiative of the Local Media Society and the Association of Local Government Initiatives. The mission of the Cluster is to create conditions for the development of innovation, e.g. broadly understood industrial design and the clothing industry, which is an important industry segment in the region. The cluster is a platform for the broadly understood cooperation of the Lublin scientific community, designers and producers as well as the promotion of Lublin brands aimed at building relationships between them to increase their innovation, efficiency, promotion and development measured by the increase in competitiveness and expansion into new markets. The cluster was also involved in cooperation in creating a new direction: design at UMCS. The cluster associates non-governmental organizations, institutions, business environment, designers, stylists and enterprises.
Contact: fan page
Lublin Medicine – Medical & Wellness Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Name: Lublin Medicine – Medical & Wellness Cluster
Coordinator: Lublin Municipality and the Medical University of Lublin
Number of members in the cluster: 154
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 123
Year of establishment: 2014
Cluster characteristics:
Lublin Medicine – Medical and Health Services Cluster was established to support the development of the medical industry in Lublin. The cluster is part of a smart specialization the Lublin Region, which includes medical services and pro-health services.
The initiative to establish the cluster was taken by the Lublin Municipal Office and the Medical University. The partnership agreement was concluded on January 21, 2014. More entities joined the cluster in the short term.
The Lublin Medicine Cluster is an integrated environment of entities providing comprehensive services in the field of health protection at the world level.
The mission of the Cluster is to undertake activities aimed at the integration of entities operating in the field of healthcare in order to improve the quality of services provided.
Cluster participants may be universities, research and development units, healthcare entities, entrepreneurs from the medical and medical related industries, business environment institutions and local government units.
Cluster goals:
- creation and development of the regional medical industry brand
- support for the development of the medical industry in Lublin
- improving the quality of healthcare services
Lublin Cluster of Business Environment Institutions
General information about the cluster:
Name: Lublin Cluster of Business Environment Institutions
Coordinator: Lublin Development Foundation
Number of members in the cluster: 19
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 4
Year of establishment: 2014
Cluster characteristics:
The aim of the initiative is to improve the conditions for initiating and developing innovative entrepreneurship in the Lublin Region. The founding group of the Cluster includes 14 business support institutions (including enterprises) and 2 universities. The first coordinator of the Cluster is the Lublin Development Foundation. Cluster participants intend to develop joint projects, exchange information, carry out joint promotional campaigns, supplement the offer and improve the quality of services provided. The cluster will conduct international cooperation promoting Lublin’s technological solutions and seek partners for local entrepreneurs. The intention of the initiators of the Cluster is also effective lobbying for the interests of the community of innovative enterprises towards local government administration.
Lublin Cluster of Advanced Aviation Technologies
General information about the cluster:
Name: Lublin Cluster of Advanced Aviation Technologies
Coordinator: “Lubelski Kalster Zaawansowanych Technologii Lotniczych” Association
Number of members in the cluster: 40
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 40
Year of establishment: 2015
Cluster characteristics:
On April 17, 2014. on the initiative of the Lublin City Hall, the Marshal’s Office of the Lublin Province and PZL – Świdnik, a letter of intent was signed on the establishment of the Lublin Cluster of Advanced Aviation Technologies. The mission of the cluster is to exchange knowledge, intensify cooperation between members, increase innovation and, consequently, develop the competitiveness of enterprises and the region. One of the main objectives of the activity was the integration of the environment of large companies and SMEs with the research and development sphere in the aviation industry as well as stimulation of the development of new technologies and the development of analytical and research facilities. The mission of the Cluster is also the transfer of new technical and technological solutions to production processes and the growth of entrepreneurship in the aviation industry of the Lublin Region. The Advanced Aviation Technology Cluster focuses on the development of educational and training facilities in the field of preparing high-quality personnel for the needs of the aviation industry and promoting the aviation industry as a carrier of innovation in Lublin and the Lublin Province. January 13, 2015 The Lublin Cluster of Advanced Aviation Technologies took the legal form of an association.
Contact: website
Industrial Upland Cluster
Cluster Coordinator: Lublin Industrial Upland Foundation
Year of establishment: Cluster – 2018, Foundation – 2017.
Number of members in the Cluster: 29, including:
- Number of enterprises: 22
- ABM Greiffenberger Polska Sp. z o.o.
- ALBI-TECH Sp. z o.o.
- ANTRACO Sp. z o.o.
- Business Masters Sp. z o.o.
- DOZBUD DEVELOPMENT Zalewski Zbigniew
- GPMotion Sp. z o.o.
- GRUPA PGS Sp. z o.o.
- HERMAR Rozalia Herda
- Lubelska Wytwórnia Dźwigów Osobowych “LIFT-SERVICE” S.A.
- MT LEGAL Sp. z o.o.
- NOYEN Sp. z o.o.
- PAK-PCE Polski Autobus Wodorowy Sp. z o.o.
- R&D Centre INVENTOR Sp. z o.o.
- RST Roztocze Sp. z o.o.
- TRILUX Sp. z o.o.
- WIKPOL Sp. z o.o.
- WIRTEK Marcin Grondkowski
- Number of business support institutions: 4
- Lubelski Park Naukowo Technologiczny S.A.
- Port Lotniczy Lublin S.A.
- Puławski Park Naukowo-Technologiczny Sp. z o.o.
- Tarki Lublin S.A.
- Number of higher educations institutions: 3
- Lubelska Akademia WSEI
- Politechnika Lubelska
- Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
Characteristics of the organization:
The Lublin Industrial Upland Foundation (formerly “Lublin Automotive and Machinery Highlands”) was established in November 2017 by 18 Founders: manufacturing companies, universities and business environment institutions, expressing their will to cooperate for the development of manufacturing and related industries, as well as to increase innovation and regional competitiveness in a key area such as industry. Since February 2018. The Foundation serves as Coordinator of the Industrial Upland Cluster, which currently includes 28 entities.
The establishment of these organizations was preceded by an analysis of the industrial sector in Lublin and the region and a detailed verification of the needs of employers. The aim of the Foundation and the Cluster is to create a platform of cooperation that will allow its participants to effectively combine and utilize the potential of universities, research and development units and business environment institutions, as well as local authorities and enterprises in order to facilitate the transfer of knowledge, experience, as well as innovation between their Participants.
The activities carried out by the Foundation and the Cluster are dedicated to almost all stakeholders in the industry and industrial production sector, looking for solutions in the optimization of processes, but also development in the field of human resources acquisition and professionalization of cooperation in the field of vocational training.
We work for the industry – thanks to our experience and knowledge, we are able to propose optimal solutions in manufacturing, logistics, supply chain management and other industry-related areas.
Objectives of the Foundation and Cluster
The objectives of the Foundation and Cluster include, in particular:
– the creation of a network of cooperation and the construction of permanent horizontal links between Cluster Participants in order to effectively exploit existing opportunities for the development of industry and industrial production through the exchange of knowledge, experience and the development of regional cooperative ties,
– integration of enterprises doing business in industry and industrial production,
– stimulating the development of new technologies and the development of analytical and research facilities for the needs of industry and industrial production, and supporting the transfer of new technical and technological solutions to production processes,
– raising the level of competitiveness of Cluster Participants and supporting their activity in international markets,
– educational activities and the development of educational and training facilities for the preparation of highly qualified personnel for the needs of industry by supporting the creation of pro-innovative faculties and methods of education,
– implementation of regional, national or international projects aimed at developing and increasing the innovativeness of entities operating in the industrial sector and industrial production.
Fundation and Cluster flagship projects
- #LubLean
Since 2018. The Foundation has been running the #LubLean (earlier YOKOTEN) series, as part of which it organizes workshops and conferences for the broader manufacturing sector.
These events have become a platform for the presentation of the latest technological solutions in the context of their use in advanced business management. Experienced business practitioners and representatives of companies involved in the implementation of Industry 4.0, automation and robotization show how to run a company in Poland and how to prepare for the inevitable technological changes in production in the near future.
The idea of #LubLean, based on the sharing of good practices, as well as the topics taken up, every year meet with great interest from participants representing industrial companies not only from the region, but from all over Poland.
Responding to the signals of the Conference Participants, acting with the intention of strengthening the process of sharing knowledge and good practices, the Foundation in 2019 began organizing MEETUP-style meetings, under the motto #LubLean, aimed at discussing various issues related to process management in manufacturing plants and networking representatives of Lublin business. The meetings are informal – we focus on openness and engagement during “after-hours” discussions.
- Technology and Implementation Center
TIC is one of the flagship products of the Lublin Industrial Uplands Foundation, responding to the development and transformation needs of conscious companies operating in a dynamically changing business reality.
The aim of the project is to support companies in increasing their competitiveness by providing them with the latest, most effective transformational knowledge in all defined areas of management, green transformation, automation and digitization.
We believe that people are the real driving force behind great companies.
That’s why we are constantly evolving to support others on their path to greatness.
We are a team of passionate professionals who combine diverse experiences and skills. This allows us to look at business challenges from different perspectives, which translates into innovative and effective solutions. Our consultants are here to bring value to our clients.
We not only derive joy from our work, but also from the satisfaction we get when we see our clients’ successes. We strive to be not only service providers, but also valuable partners. Our mission is to help others reach their full potential to succeed.
Together we build trust, based on professionalism, integrity and commitment. Our goal is to provide the highest quality services that deliver real results. Our team consists of qualified experts who are constantly expanding their knowledge and skills to stay on top of the latest trends and best practices.
Thanks to our diversity, we treat every order as a new challenge, on which we engage all our passion and determination. We are ready to support you in every step of your path to success.
Together we create a strong foundation on which we build our common future. We invite you to explore our website and join our community. If you have any questions or need support, we are here to help.
- Personnel of the future
No less important activities of the Foundation are carried out in preparing future cadres and professionalizing cooperation in the field of vocational training. In this regard, the annual conference “Engineers for Lublin” is organized to promote technical education and work in the Lublin industry.
The same goal was pursued by the “I work in Lublin” campaign organized in 2017, which showcased real stories of graduates of Lublin’s technical schools who are successfully pursuing careers in Lublin’s industry.
“Engineers for Lublin” is a cyclical event dedicated to students in the final years of primary schools and technical schools. The main purpose of the conference is to promote vocational education and technical fields of study, and consequently work in the Lublin industry, among young people who are facing the choice of a career path.
The postgraduate program “Innovative Production Management” is conducted at the Faculty of Economics of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, and the LWP Foundation is their partner. Their program is based on the philosophy of continuous improvement (Kaizen), Lean Management and SixSigma. The direction is dedicated to employees involved in planning, implementation of production and service processes, implementation of logistics processes, quality management and continuous improvement. It is a solid portion of knowledge on modern business management, process optimization and implementation of changes to improve the efficiency of the organization.
80% of classes are practical (workshops, games, simulations). As part of the credit, study participants present real projects implemented in their companies during the course of study. So far, the average savings generated by these implementations amounted to PLN 20 thousand/project!
For years, the Foundation, working with local authorities, has been trying to strengthen cooperation between business and technical schools. The projects implemented so far have been aimed at increasing the presence of students and teachers of practical vocational training at employers, where they could acquire up-to-date and, above all, needed skills and competencies, and thus smoothly enter the labor market in the future or educate people ready to take up a job in industry.
On an ongoing basis, we invite companies belonging to the Cluster and operating in industry in the Lublin region to jointly develop good practices.
Lublin Biotechnology Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Name: Lublin Biotechnology Cluster
Number of members in the cluster: 34
Number of enterprises in the cluster: 22
Year of establishment: 2015
Cluster characteristics:
The cluster is to stimulate cross-sectoral cooperation for the development of biotechnological research in Lublin. The main activities are to focus on initiating and implementing joint scientific and economic ventures in the field of biotechnology, as well as acquiring EU or national funds and programs for funding centers for the implementation of research, training and investment projects.
Contact: website
Polish Precision Agriculture Cluster
General information about the cluster:
Name: Polish Precision Agriculture Cluster
Coordinator: Krzysztof Muciek
Number of members in the cluster: 9
Number of businesses in the cluster: 3
Year of establishment: 2023
Cluster Characteristics:
The association “Polish Precision Agriculture Cluster” is a self-governing social organization with economic and scientific characteristics, bringing together individuals and legal entities, as well as organizations engaged in economic activities, scientific research institutes, state and local government institutions, and higher education institutions.
In contemporary agriculture, there is an exceptionally intense growth in the importance of applying information technology and digital tools to increase the quantity and quality of agricultural production. The area of land dedicated to cultivation is decreasing, while the population is increasing. Therefore, innovative methods and tools need to be explored for the active and full utilization of modern plantations. Collaboration between agricultural and IT companies is a necessary challenge for maximizing mutual potential in developing innovative methods and tools for use in agriculture and the natural environment.
Cluster Objectives:
The main goal of the association is to realize the mission – the idea of agricultural development based on modern and innovative technologies.
The functioning of the Polish Precision Agriculture Cluster is aimed at supporting dynamic collaboration with various institutions, companies, and producers. This collaboration aims to create new trends in modern agriculture and meet the expectations of the contemporary world in satisfying the demand for healthy food.
The cluster’s objectives include:
- Disseminating information about solutions enabling measurable results in agricultural production.
- Promoting solutions that increase profitability while consciously optimizing costs.
- Raising awareness about the purpose of implementing highly innovative technologies meeting the highest technical standards in agriculture and environmental protection.
The main task is to unite businesses and institutions engaged in industry-related activities and those associated with them, supporting innovation, promoting organizations, products, services, and personnel.
The Polish Precision Agriculture Cluster achieves its goals particularly through:
- Conducting activities to disseminate information about the latest technologies.
- Promoting the concept of precision agriculture, guaranteeing the highest quality crop yields, eliminating excessive chemicals not assimilated by living organisms, and thus negatively impacting the natural environment.
- Promoting the implementation of solutions affecting nature and environmental protection, including the development of a modern waste management system and energy production from renewable sources.
- Undertaking actions for the development and modernization of agricultural technical infrastructure.
- Integrating representatives from the agricultural industry, scientific community, research institutes, and centers.
- Conducting activities for the standardization and normalization of implemented solutions.
- Representing and protecting the economic interests of association members.
- Mutual assistance and exchange of experiences among association members.
- Promoting and supporting the development of entrepreneurship and a knowledge-based competitive economy.
- Promoting and supporting the development of the innovation market, new technologies, and knowledge transfer.
- Promoting and supporting the education system and continuous education development: science, education, and training.
- Increasing the knowledge of agricultural producers.
- Connecting entities with competencies in key stages of agricultural production.
- Providing personal counseling and combating unemployment.
- Digitization of rural areas and multifunctional development of rural areas.
- Building a common brand for companies represented by association members.
- Supporting the development of entrepreneurship and economic initiatives.
- Collaborating with government and local government authorities.
- Supporting the creation of Polish agriculture as an attractive place for foreign investors.
- Organizing conferences, training, and seminars.
- Conducting activities for the benefit of society as a whole, including groups in difficult situations, particularly defending the rights of various social groups and individuals, including consumer rights, with special consideration for the agricultural sector.
- Creating various forms of cooperation between Eastern and Western European countries, promoting and supporting the development of European integration, as well as international contacts and cross-border cooperation.
- Supporting the protection and promotion of health.
- Promoting and supporting the development of physical culture, sports, tourism, leisure, and recreation.
- Establishing, promoting, and supporting think tanks in the agricultural sector.
- Creating conditions to support and promote startups in the agricultural sector.
- Disseminating and protecting the rights of consumers of food products.
The Coordinator of the Cluster is Krzysztof Muciek.
More information about ecosystems and clusters – go to explore-lublin