Lublin Economic Highlands

The potential that exists in Lublin allows to design a clear and promising strategy of economic development. Industrial traditions, human resources educated by thriving university centres and the involvement of local government and business-related institutions of the city have become the driving force for the creation of the Lublin Economic Highlands.

By definition, the Lublin Economic Highlands are to be an ecosystem friendly to the development of individual industries, which present the greatest potential to acclimatise and flourish in the region. The name of the concept refers to the geographical location of the Lublin region, although its metaphorical overtones cannot be overlooked.

The strategy of Lublin Economic Highlands assumes cooperation based on the principle of a quadruple helix. The parties are academic centres, public authorities, business environment and non-governmental organisations. The exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience with the research, development and innovation potential of the region and building civic attitudes are to lead to local economic development and increase the competitiveness of the city’s economic entities.

The concept identifies five ecosystems that have the greatest potential for development in the region.

Clusters in Lublin


ESTA Cluster

Cluster of Hotels and Restaurants

Eastern ICT Cluster

Lublin Wood Association Regional Cluster in Lublin

Lublin ICT Cluster

Lublin Enterprise Cluster

Eastern Metal Processing Cluster

Lublin Eco-Energy Cluster

Photonics and Optical Fiber Cluster

Innovation and Fashion Design Cluster

Lublin Medicine – Medical & Wellness Cluster

Lublin Cluster of Business Environment Institutions

Lublin Cluster of Advanced Aviation Technologies

Industrial Upland Cluster

Lublin Biotechnology Cluster

Polish Precision Agriculture Cluster

More information about ecosystems and clusters – go to explore-lublin