Entrepreneurial Kids

About the Project

“Entrepreneurial Kids” is a project about economic development of Lublin and entrepreneurship education.
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Main Project Goals:

  • shaping in children aged 6-10 key competences in terms of selected features defining the notion of “entrepreneurship” as an attitude that enables fulfilling one’s own dreams;
  • inspiring children to think creatively and develop their interests and passions;
  • promoting the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship;
  • promotion of the economic image of Lublin.


The project is directed to children aged 6-10, their parents and teachers. It is open to educational institutions from the city of Lublin. Due to a limited number of places, the order of applications will be taken into consideration.


As a part of the “Entrepreneurial kids” project 15 cycles of free workshops will be conducted for 350 children from kindergartens and elementary school in Lublin.

Each cycle consists of five thematic meetings:

  • “Getting to know the Businessman Goat”
  • “A difficult concept – entrepreneurship”
  • “My passion, my talent”
  • “A visit to the company”
  • “Starting your own company – an experiment”

The workshops are conducted by trained animators – students of pedagogy at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University.

For the purpose of classes with children, a business Goat character is used, who accompanies the children during the project implementation in a given school or preschool. The effects of the project are presented during a final meeting held at the beginning of June of a given year. The meeting is attended by the children and teachers involved in the project, representatives of the managements of the educational institutions, representatives of the City Hall, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, as well as Lublin-based companies and individuals active in the creative sector. During the meeting, each group of children prepares a fragment of a model of Lublin, which is displayed in the City Hall.

As part of the activities concerning the promotion of entrepreneurial culture, additional meetings on financial and economic issues are also conducted by:

National Bank of Poland, which in its branch in Lublin conducts classes on saving and the activities of the central bank for children aged 6 to 10 years;

Lublin City Hall and the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS), which are conducting workshops for teachers and students participating in the project;

City Hall, which presents an economic image of Lublin as part of classes for pedagogy students (future teachers of preschool and early childhood education).

The project is also created thanks to the involvement of the Student Scientific Circle of SmartCity Planners operating at the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. Thanks to that, Entrepreneurial Kids have a chance to show their vision of the future of the City and create a model of Lublin at the Final Gala.

Our team:

  • mgr Monika Król – project coordinator Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship Lublin City Hall
  • dr Małgorzata Chojak – project coordinator and “good spirit” of the project
  • mgr Paulina Dmochowska – Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship Lublin City Hall


tel. 81 466 25 35, 81 466 25 00
