Find out how to get business funding
Loan Guarantee for the Creative Sector
The purpose of the guarantee is to secure the repayment of a working capital or investment loan granted by the lending bank to an entrepreneur from the SME sector who conducts his business in an industry classified as one of the so-called creative or cultural sectors (CCS – Cultural and Creative Sectors) or carries out a project or intends to carry out a project in these sectors.
The guarantee is available from crediting banks that have concluded an agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego.
Benefits for the entrepreneur
- access to credit for entrepreneurs who do not have appropriate credit collateral,
- low cost of credit collateral in the form of BGK guarantee,
- high amount of the loan,
- all formalities related to the granting of the guarantee and the loan are carried out in the crediting bank
- the guarantee enables the lending bank to apply more favourable financing terms than standard terms,
- availability for entrepreneurs with prototypical, unique nature of business.
Read more here
Low-interest loans for business development
Startup Platforms
Startup platforms offer a suite of services that include:
- specialized services individually tailored to the idea,
- assistance in creating business foundations of the enterprise,
- workshops and training in public speaking and presenting your project,
- mentoring,
- accounting, tax and legal services,
- assistance in creating corporate identity elements,
- providing office space for startup development.
Who is eligible for funding?
Each originator who will set up a business in one of the following provinces of Eastern Poland: Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie.
Startup platforms are in continuous recruitment. One can apply via the form on PARP website. Then the concepts are evaluated by experts of particular Start Platforms.
Evaluations will include:
- Innovation of the concept – only product innovations are eligible for incubation,
- Competitive advantages – the concept should be characterized by identified advantages in relation to existing products,
- Business potential,
- Qualifications of the team developing the product.
Startup platforms operating in Lublin:
Platforma startowa “Unicorn Hub”
Industries: Smart City/transport and automotive, medical/public health, IT/ICT
Polska Fundacja Ośrodków Wspomagania Rozwoju Gospodarczego “OIC Poland”
ul. Gospodarcza 26, 20-213 Lublin
tel. 81 710 46 30
Link to website
Platforma startowa “Wschodni Akcelerator Biznesu”
Industries: IT/ICT, food, bioeconomy, ecology, agro-food products, robotics.
Puławski Park Naukowo-Technologiczny Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mościckiego 1
24-110 Puławy
tel. 81 464 63 16
e- mail:
Link to website
Loan funds
Loan funds are financial support instruments for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises that provide loans at favorable interest rates.
Loan funds in Lublin:
Fundusz Pożyczkowy Lubelskiej Fundacji Rozwoju
ul. Wallenroda 4C (III P), 20-607 Lublin
tel.: 81 528-43-01, fax: 81 528-43-02
Link to website
Fundusz Pożyczkowy „OIC Poland”
ul. Gospodarcza 26, 20-213 Lublin
tel.: (81) 710-46-34, (81) 710-46-41
fax.: (81) 746-13-24
Link to website
Venture Capital Funds in Lublin
Venture capital (VC) funds offer capital support to small, but already thriving companies (ventures at an early stage of development are the focus of business angels and seed funds). If a business idea gains the approval of the fund’s investment team, the company can count on financing in the amount of several to tens of millions of euros. In return, the fund becomes a shareholder in the company, often taking over well over 50% of its shares. (source:
Venture capital funds operating in Lublin:
We encourage you to actively seek funding sources for your business ventures.
Below you will find the addresses of the information points and the websites where current calls for proposals are posted, both under regional, national and international programmes.
Info Points
Główny Punkt Informacyjny Funduszy Europejskich w Lublinie
ul. Stefczyka 3B/018, 20-151 Lublin
tel: 081 441 68 65, 081 441 68 64, 081 441 65 47, 081 441 65 46
infolinia: 800 175 151 fax: 081 441 68 65
Link to website
Regionalny Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych Unii Europejskiej
Instytut Agrofizyki im. B. Dobrzańskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
ul. Doświadczalna 4, 20-290 Lublin
tel. 81 744 50 61, fax. 81 744 50 67
Link to website